cultYvate’s SMART Irrigation Automation enabled Maharashtra’s sugarcane farmer to increase yield by 16% while battling unavailability of power supply and labour when required.


  • 89.6K

    per Ha additional income
  • 16%

    Increased Yield
  • 29%

    Water Saved
  • 50%

    Labour reduced

Mr Bhimrav Bhise is a progressive sugarcane farmer of Sattara District, Maharashtra. He approached cultYvate seeking to increase the yield from 80 tons to 100 tons per acre which is possible with precision agriculture.


Availability of on-demand power supply and labour during crop growth stages is a major challenge for Sugarcane farmers in Maharashtra


cultYvate has provided a fully automated irrigation system that the farmer can operate using the cultYvate mobile app. The farmer either schedules the time when the water pump should turn On or operates the On / Off switch manually using the mobile app.

The farmer has achieved a yield of 96 tons per acre compared to the 80 tons per acre obtained before using technology. He was also able to optimize labour and his time spent managing his 5-acre farm, which was scattered across a 2.5 Km radius.